Monday, June 06, 2005

13 and the Friars

Can I obsess for a minute? Is it OK to obsess in a blog?
I mean, really, isn't that what blogging is all about? I get to sit here and obsess all I want and not feel bad about it because....well, will anyone really read this anyway? (Well, maybe my wife and my mom will read it....hey, at least I have SOME fans....)

I just realized this last week that my season tickets for the Padres are in row 13. Now is that just a "fortuitous circumstance"? I could not have planned it any better. Two awesome seats in right field, right next to the foul pole, with a perfect view of the whole field. I was able to go to a Thursday night game last week with my friend Doug. We made quite a pair, he in his Chicago Cubs jersey, and I in my Padres jersey. Yes, the Cubs were playing the Padres and proceeded to soundly beat them. What can I say? We shall live on to beat the little bears another day! It was a good time, including the 1/2 pound Randy Jones hot dog and having to sit through the wretched chanting of "Let's go Cubbies." I'm just happy that the Padres are winning when necessary and remain in first place as we continue into June. Yes, they got beat 3 out of 4 by the Cubs, but after today's day off, I am looking forward to the Padres winning at least 5 of 6. Right now, I am happy that they are in first by 3.5 games....and the Dodgers remain in third place.

Keep on swingin', Friars....


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