Space In Between Us
I've been thinking lately that there is a lot of division in this world. In our sin, we have been separated from God. For a lot of us that turns into separation from each other. We are so bent on keeping our lives private. We are covetous of our home life and what we do behind closed doors. Instead of engaging in the messiness of relationship with others, we use the excuse that we do not have time. In fact, this seems like the easier choice. It is difficult to engage with other least it is for me. I've been convicted quite heavily on this lately. Why do I choose to keep my blinders on when outside the walls of my home? Why do I choose to ignore my neighbors instead of engage in conversation? Because it is easier, less messy...and the divisions between us continue to grow.
Sometimes I feel like I've been led to a precipice. Here I stand at the edge of something great. I am looking across the great divide and I can see the potential for greatness, but it is miles from me. God is telling me that I can be the bridge across that gap, but I have to trust in Him. Yes, the chasm seems miles across and impossible to bridge, but He tells me that having faith in Him is what will make it happen.
A song that I know recently came back to me and the lyrics speak to this very subject. So, here I am...standing at the edge...convicted of what I must I really ready to jump and fill this space between us?
"all I really want to do
is to fall into the emptiness
that is the space in between us
to break this division
all I really want to do
is to fall into the emptiness
that is the space in between us
erase it and bring us together again"