Tuesday, September 06, 2005

In the Absence of Blogging

Time sure has flown by since my last post.
It is amazing how busy we have been. Moving sucks a lot out of you. I think, for the most part, we put our brains and bodies on auto-pilot and just got it done. Thanks to some great friends and family we were able to move everything in our house in two days. It will take much, much longer to unpack it all and get settled, but for now we are in the new house and loving it! I'll post pictures as soon as I find that camera.......

God has truly blessed us with this move. It is so hard to bring attention to ourselves though when we turn on the TV and see all of the people that have been left homeless by the hurricane in the Gulf states. It is heart breaking. We refer to it as a "natural disaster." Is that because it is "of nature" or is it "natural" that we would have disasters like this in the world we live in? Have all of these things been set in motion and as a result of the chaos and reaction of molecules to each other, this disaster has occured? Does God maintain a "hands-off" approach to this world he has created? Or are supernatural forces at battle, resulting in the destruction we have witnessed? It is so much for a brain to think about and I can't wrap mine around it. All I know is that there are hurting people out there and I feel like I cannot make a difference. I can give money and I will. I can pray for them and I have. Why do I feel like it isn't enough?


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