Introducing...The Summerhill Gang
Yes! It is finally here. The show that you all have been waiting for...the most amazing podcast ever created is now online for your listening pleasure!
Ha Ha...well, we do have pop culture goodness for your brain and I hope that it is somewhat entertaining for you.
My neighbor on Summerhill Drive here in Encinitas, Doug, and I have been talking about doing a podcast for months. For those of you who don't know what a podcast is, here is a short explanation: A podcast is somewhat like a radio show, except that it is not broadcast over the radio airwaves and it is not live. So, maybe it isn't much like a radio show! Well, anyway, if you can picture what a radio show production looks like, then you kind of get the idea. Doug and I sit in the upstairs office in his house and set up a couple of computers and microphones and we talk about stuff we like or stuff that is happening in our lives. We record what we talk about and during our conversations we mix in clips of music, movies, TV shows and other fun stuff. So, basically we are producing this audio show that we then put out on the Internet for other people to listen to online or download to a device like an MP3 player or iPod that they can then take with them and listen to. It is pretty awesome!
We just put together our first show last week. If you go over to you can see our blog/website for the show. There we have links to things we talk about on the show, an option to listen to the show online, a link for downloading the show and also contact information so that you can call or e-mail us with feedback. Please check out the show and let me know what you think!
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